A global platform for cargo charterers.
Vopak Agencies offers high quality port-agency and hub services. With a team of dedicated and trained employees, they can serve their clients in all ports worldwide.
UX / UI Designer
Vopak agencies
The challenge
An outdated interface for the clients.
After a nice collaboration on the internal employees tool of their Hubview application in 2015, Vopak agencies reached back to me to refresh the User Interface of the client side of their application.

The process
Hubview provides many features such as Business intelligence, cost control, port disbursement management, document management and financial process management. Working on a user-centered interface required a good understanding of the many constrains the cargo crews deal with on a daily basis.
On the field
The Vopak headquarters being implemented in the port of Rotterdam, I had the opportunity to observe the different cargo operations and follow the complex movements of the vessels.

Understanding the challenges
Between each ship arrival and departure, many operations take place. The administrative constrains are the main challenge as much paperwork is needed and safety checks must be performed.

Setting up a Design language
Apart from the UX flows and interaction patterns, I also worked on a clean UI design aligned with the company brand guidelines to create a visual identity that would remain consistent with the other Vopak digital touchpoints.

High fidelity prototype
Thanks to the responsive prototype built in HTML/CSS/JS, launching in fullscreen for both desktop and smartphones, we could directly test the UX flows and interaction with end-users in the port and at the office.

The solution
A modern and clean interface which helps ship crews and port agents get their job done on-the-go, from both desktop and mobile devices.

Clean dashboard overview
The dashboard brings full view on the most important data and direct access to the common tasks. Agents and operators can start the day with all information available.

Each detail page displays the vessel, agent and port information as well as the different operations planned for the vessel.

Find the current position of vessels around the globe and follow their previous and next stops.

With iAppoint, charterers and agents can now book voyages in a few minutes.

Up next
Let's work together
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